Sunday, May 3, 2009

jersey girl

Well, here I go attempting an outfit post- I just got a camera for an early graduation present and am very excited about using it! This is what I wore out on Friday night for a Bat for Lashes show, which was unfortunately sold out. We ended up wandering Old City, going to a Jewish Feast, stealing flowers, and smoking hookah... Definitely still a successful night.

Dress, vintage. Sweater, DKNY. Belt, thrifted.
Shoes, thrifted. Earrings, unknown. Necklace, selfmade.

I love the cutouts in the sleeves! It's just a huge shapeless dress but with beautiful details and coloring.

I made this for my second senior collection and am so happy to finally be able to wear it. It's hand-dyed cotton jersey, just tied, knotted, and looped.

These shoes are SO comfortable- they have about a five inch wedge but I can wear them all day. Such a good color, too.


  1. I love the whole outfit but I particularly love the necklace.

  2. i <3 <3 that necklace pls make me one asap !
