First, hailing from Madrid, is Lourdes Hernandez, otherwise known as Russian Red. Her debut album, I Love Your Glasses, has the power of someone far beyond her 22 years. She sings in English, detailing her emotions maturely and with no trace of an accent. Her dark melodies also lack an accent in that they stray from a typical Spanish instrumentation for the majority of the album. Overall, her sound is sweet and folk influenced; definitely worth a listen.
Here's a lovely video of the first song off her album:

Second, a powerhouse from Brooklyn, is Lady Gaga. I'm sure you've heard her single, Just Dance, far too many times. Don't write her off just because she's on the radio, because her album has some of the strongest straight up dance pop songs I've heard in ages. The Fame isn't 100% gold, but with only one awful song and two that err on the side of schmoozy, it comes out on top. Paparazzi and Poker Face were on repeat while I worked in the studio this semester and are featured whenever I'm getting ready to go out. As if that isn't enough, she actually has a head on her shoulders, writes her own lyrics, and has a wicked sense of fashion. Check out the video for Poker Face if you aren't convinced:
Lady Gaga: Poker Face
Keri Hope
nice! i'm a lousy dresser, so this blog may help me some...